Stem cells are special human cells that have retained their ability to differentiate. They can specialise to become anything from a muscle cell to a brain cell. Stem cells can be used to replace damaged or diseased cells with healthy, functioning ones. There are 3 types of stem cells: Embryonic stem cells, Cord Blood stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryos can be deliberately created by fertilizing egg cells with sperm and allowing the resulting zygote to develop for a few days until it has between four and sixteen cells. All of the cells are embryonic stem cells. Blood can be extracted from the umbilical cord of a new-born baby and stem cells obtained from it. The cells can be frozen and stored for possible use later in the baby's life. These are referred to as Cord Blood cells. Stem cells can also be extracted from an adult’s tissues – these are adult stem cells. These types of stem cells vary in their properties and therefore in their potential for therapeutic use. Embryonic ...
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