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Showing posts from October, 2018


Here are some popularly believed myths. They aren't actually true.  1. There is nothing actually like a sugar rush its just a placebo effect. 2. People use more than just 10 percent of their brains. 3. Bats aren't blind. 4. Sunflowers don't track the sun across the sky. 5. Gum doesn't take 7 years to digest, you can't digest it at all. 6. Black Holes are not empty space but lots of matter packed into s small space so densely that not even light can escape. 7. People believe that if they wake up sleepwalkers, the person walking will go into a state of shock.     This is not true, they will simply be confused. 8. Humans have more than 5 senses. 9. Goldfishes have a 3-month long memory, not a 3-second one. 10. Your blood is never blue its bright red or maroon.

Is Aspirin Secretly Harming You?

Aspirin has been taken by millions, in the hopes that it will reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. But new research says otherwise. A new control trial's results were released in the New England Journal of Medicine and the results show that an Aspirin a day doesn't actually keep the doctor away.  Taken by people 65 years old or older, it increases the risk of death by cancer and it does not reduce the chance of them getting heart disease and dementia. This trial was led by John Mickey and involved more than 19,000 participants mostly over the age of 70. This was conducted in the United States of America and Australia. For the experiment, half the participants took a low dose of aspirin (100 milligrams of Aspirin ) and the other half took a placebo. Placebos are substances that are made to resemble drugs but do not contain an active drug. A placebo is made to look exactly like a real drug but is made of an inactive substance, such as a starch or sugar. This trial went o...