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Showing posts from August, 2018

Are you Mentally Degenrating right now?

Most people question the relation of devices and mental health. In an opinion editorial published in the New York Times, Psychology Professor Tracy Dennis Tiwary commented on the relation between the mental health of teens and Technology. She said, “Although some research does show that excessive and compulsive smartphone use is correlated with anxiety and depression, there is a lack of direct evidence that devices actually cause mental health problems”. More and More evidence is released every day proving that the ties between devices and mental progression are tight, and their consequences cannot be ignored. The latest Link was established at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, and analyzed by the University of Michigan School of Medicine in “Digital Media and Symptoms of Attention-“Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents.” “The researchers observed 2,587 Los Angeles County high school students without symptoms of ADHD at study entry and sur...

Your eye is attacking it's self right now.

This is true. When a new gadget is launched we often neglect the damaging consequences it may have on us and just focus on its amazing new features. We have long known that our laptops, Phones, Tablets are harmful, but this revolutionary study might just change your perception on your device. Blue light from our phones tablets and computers is not healthy. Many studies have already confirmed that negatively impacts the Circadian Retina which causes sleep issues. Lack of sleep could lead to many other health problems. A new study published in the journal 'nature' tells us that the blue light coming from these devices make one's eyes attack itself. This in long-term could cause the degenerative disease that causes one to go blind. We can spend hours on devices not knowing that; that day could be one of the causes as to why we will be blind and the future. A group of researchers at the University of Toledo why this happens. It was found out that with "disease occurs...

Is 75% of your DNA useless?

This Statement is true. At least 75% of the human genome is useless. New work by biologists at the University of Houston suggests that a maximum of 25% of the human genome is functional. The Other 75 per cent is known as " junk DNA ". This 75 % does not play a part in crucial chemical reactions in our body. The ENCODE Project suggested that roughly 80 % of our DNA is used. Professor Dan Graur of Biochemistry stated that about 10 to 15 % of the Human Genome is functional and the upper limit is 25 %. He came to his conclusion by looking at how mutations affect a population's DNA. A mathematical model he built allowed him to calculate the mutational load (the genetic load of a population that stems from the accumulation of bad mutations). Graur was successful in his stages of research and then he was able to conclude that the 80 % functionality of the genome proposed by ENCODE scientists is extremely unrealistic. He said  For 80% of the human genome to be funct...

Can a virus you have, get cured in just one day?

             We have all fallen sick and spent days in recovery hoping that it would be the last one of those sick days. But what if I told you there is now a new drug that could cure a virus in just one day? It seems unbelievable but it has been done by scientist Shionogi from Japan.               Tamiflu is a known and used drug to fight influenza until a new drug Xofluza was created by drugmaker Shionogi. The drug's test results say that it can cure influenza types A and B within 24 hrs and with just one pill. While the Tamiflu drug will have to be taken two times a day for 5 days. It has also been claimed that a person of any age suffering such a case of influenza can take this pill. The science behind it is that it inhibits the enzyme that the flu virus needs in order to replicate and it kills the virus within a human in 24 hours. Tamiflu-maker Roche was involved in the study and development so th...