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You Could Be Your Own Twin!

You may just be your twin. How is that possible? Well, there is something known as chimerism. This is a rare case when two fertilized embryos don’t identify each other as siblings and fuse to form one foetus. In other words when one twin fuses into the other forming one baby with two kinds of genetic material. This is also known as the Vanishing Twin Syndrome. It is very likely that people don’t realise their dual DNA nature and fail to recognise themselves as chimeras. There are about 100 cases of chimerism so far however with the advancements in genetic testing chimerism may become  more and more common. Chimerism is usually discovered by chance unless the mixing of genetic material causes unusual health problems like mixed blood or ambiguous genitalia may occur if the twins were of opposite sexes. Chimeras are born with different eye colours or unusual skin markings which many chimeras falsely understand as a birthmark, failing to realise it is actually their twins gen...
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